Join Scott's student roster

via ZOOM for online lessons:

Online rates: 

30 minutes - $80

60 minutes - $150

In-Home Private Lessons (Los Angeles County)

60 minutes - $350


-written notation of the exercises, songs, and music theory covered + real time screen-sharing

-personalized RECAP videos at the end of every lesson sent via email/dropbox

-flexibility to address ANYTHING the student desires to learn with dedicated lesson prep time & roadmapping

For QUESTIONS or to SCHEDULE your lesson:

In addition to being a FENDER PLAY instructor, and MASTERCLASS teacher for PICKUP MUSIC Scott has music directed and consulted Keith Urban in his "30 SONGS IN 30 DAYS - PLAYER” lesson series and is the featured educator in Randy Jackson's "PLAY THE GUITAR NOW":

Player 2 KU.jpg
Keith Urban guitars.jpg
